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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Speaking of Cowards and Idiots....(warning: graphic language)

Goodness gracious... logged in to my blog after a long day at work to find the following comment posted on my post about Whacked Out Cindy's boo-boo... Warning - is not for innocent eyes...

"Apparently, you are willing to sacrifice your child for your president’s lies. How about you give him a blowjob and get him impeached instead? I hear former alcoholics do not really like sex though, so good luck. All Republican women are nothing but Right-wing nut whores anyway, like your transsexual friend Annie Coulter... Fools like you who support Bush are turning this Democracy within a Republic into Amerikkka. But what do we expect from a president who said God told him to declare war. The dumb ass doesn't know enough to realize Jesus (whom I worship) is the KING OF PEACE. Face it, you sold America down the river-but you'd rather your kid die in a war based on lies for a dry drunk and his friends to make some cash-rather than tell the truth yourself. Or admit you support a raging liar.May God have mercy on your corroded soul.."

The post was signed by "MajorMother". A click on Mother's homepage link took me to the website of Military Families Speak Out... Whew! If that's how the members of this organization "speaks out" it's no wonder why no one takes this organization seriously. I am hanging on to this one. It will be great in my next book...

Hey MajorMother - crawl back over to Cindy's lair and vomit your venom there. This is a no raving moonbat zone...

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