The beatification of Barack Obama continues in the media... Check out this pic from Reuters and posted on Yahoo. (Hat tip to Michelle Malkin). First it was BDS - now it's Obamamania. Frankly this picture makes me vomit...
Lots of news around the blogosphere about Obama and his tossing his church under the bus. I watched his little presser Saturday night and the Great Orator sounded more like the Great Stutterer. He even started developing some sweat along his brow during the Q&A. Typically though his words belie the facts in the whole "Wright-Pfleger-Obama" saga.
Gateway Pundit has been all over the Pfleger story since Jeremiah Wright's National Press Club stunt. Seems Pfleger was a little more than just a guest speaker at Trinity.. more than a Obama donor and more than a recipient of Obama's earmarked largesse... Pfleger was the shoulder that Obama leaned on after Jeremiah Wright called "the annoited one" a "politician"...
CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports Obama felt betrayed and Wright felt sand-bagged. Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Church said he has been speaking to both men as the events of the past 24 hours unfolded. He counseled Obama Tuesday morning, and while CBS 2 talked to him Tuesday evening, Rev. Wright called his cell phone. "I don't think he had any intention to hurt Barack. He loves Barack," Pfleger said. "I think the pain and the moment took over."
While over at Gateway Pundit - check out the latest Pfleger screed about how America has raped the world... Disgusting stuff...
World Net Daily reports on more of the Pfleger-Obama connection back from 2004...
Obama identified Pfleger in a 2004 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times as a key source of spiritual guidance. The Sun-Times piece, which was among the first in which Obama outlined his faith, includes quotes from Pfleger praising Obama.
And smarmy David Axelrod has some connections to the anti-American Pfleger...
Sen. Barack Obama's chief political strategist sits on the finance committee of the Chicago church led by controversial pastor Michael Pfleger, who claimed in a sermon last weekend Sen. Hillary Clinton cried in public because she thought being white entitled her to the Democratic presidential nomination.
Knowing about these connections makes Obama's statement during his Saturday presser sound a "little" disingenous...
Obama said he has "tremendous regard" for the Trinity community, but he told reporters he was upset with a situation in which everything said in the church, including comments by a guest pastor, "will be imputed to me, even if they conflict with my long-held, views, statements and principles."
You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas...
Jonn over at This Ain't Hell has done some digging on Obama's advisor that has ties to Iran. Quite an interesting read and strange that this has flown under the media radar... well maybe not.
And break out the popcorn. You think the DNC meeting this weekend was contentious? You still think the split within the DNC is just a "vast right wing conspiracy"? Check out the split between some well-known bloggers on the Left. Remember Larry Johnson - of Veteran Intellegence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) fame? The one that served as the "source" for all things Plame? He was once the darling of the Lefty bloggers - now they're calling him a Hillary syncophant because of some Michelle Obama tape that he was supposed to release this AM... Check out MyDD and Booman Tribune's The Michelle Tape but get your popcorn first.
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