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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

About That Ayers-Obama Connection...

Stanley Kurtz has one heckuva article posted over at The Weekly Standard about Barack Obama's "early" political years. It is crammed full of incredible research and FACTS straight from Obama's early writings in Chicago. It is a long read but well worth taking the time to go through it.

This little tidbit popped out at me...

Michelle Obama organized a University of Chicago panel about Bill Ayers's crime book in November 1997, just as the battle over the juvenile justice bill was heating up. That panel featured appearances by some of the key figures discussed in Ayers's book, along with Obama himself, who was identified in the press release as "working to block proposed legislation that would throw more juvenile offenders into the adult system." In effect, then, this public event was a joint Obama-Ayers effort to sink the juvenile justice bill-Obama's decision to plug Ayers's book in the Chicago Tribune the following month was part of the same political effort.

So much for that "he lives in my neighborhood" excuse... Now we have Michelle tied up in the Ayers-Dohrn saga. My oh My...

I can't recommend this article enough. Bookmark it and refer back to it through the campaign. And don't look for any of this to be reported in the MSM...

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