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Monday, October 27, 2008

Flaming Ass Alert - Bill Ayers Tired of Being the GOP's Cannon Fodder

Today's Flaming Ass Alert highlights Bill Ayers, a West Hollywood Halloween Display with Sarah hanging from the roof and another TV station is blacklisted by Obama-Biden...

Bill Ayers, the TERRORIST, is mad cause the GOP is using him as a talking point. Well actually he's not mad, he was laughing it up at a panel discussion over the weekend. But he does have a message for us "right-wingers" - Get Over It...

William Ayers, the '60s radical who is one of John McCain's talking points in his criticism of Barack Obama, told a Manhattan panel discussion audience he was tired of being used as cannon fodder in America's political wars.

The former member of the Weather Underground beamed at the attention paid by the audience of about 60 people, many of whom were decked out in Obama gear.

The crowd gave Ayers a warm welcome, guffawed at jokes about "redistributing the wealth" and nodded at his complaints about the "Republican revolution."

Ayers being used as cannon fodder? Isn't that some kind of sick ironic statement seeing as this raging Ass-Hat attempted to murder innocent Americans to get his point acrosss and now resides in the lap of luxury while teaching at a University... I never cease to be amazed at the absolute stupidity and ignorance of my fellow Americans. Would that same crowd be "guffawing" and "nodding in agreement" if their family had been targeted by this despicable creature? No - they'd probably blame it on Bush...

And speaking of not living in reality, a West Hollywood punk has decided that hanging Sarah Palin in effigy is an appropriate Halloween display... This fella calls it "ART". Would he think an Obama mannequin hanging from the roof was "ART"? NOOOOO - that would be R.A.C.I.S.T...

Last but not least we have Mr. Not So Smooth Talker Biden getting more tough questions from a local TV station and then barring the station from ever being graced by the presence of The One and his trusty sidekick - Gaffe Man... Pick up that ball and go home Joe.

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