The very foundation of our country is under attack. While most Americans are concerned with American Idol and the Lefties latest attempt to get conservative voices out of the public airwaves, the foundation of our country is being whittled away. This morning, Glenn Beck read pieces of this article on the air and it struck right to my heart. Read it for yourself - it's chilling...
WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President
I'm in the middle of a Beth Moore Bible Study about King David which is absolutely incredible. Last night's class was how to get a "head up over your enemies" and the good fight against evil. The underlying message was Wake Up, Look Up, Stand Up and Dress Up (put on the armor of God). The message was even more appropriate than Beth Moore could have realized.
I don't believe in coincidences anymore. Things happen for a reason - God's reason. We may not know why or understand it, but there is a purpose for everything in our lives. There is no "coincidence" in the timing of my Bible study lesson and the article from David Barton. I have been silent and not blogging for a while because I just feel so overwhelmed with all that is going on in our country. I also have been working at my real job and just too tired to write. I have been praying for God to show me a direction for my life not that all the crisis have past. So I will be writing much more and blogging, tweeting, etc.
Read the article and come back often for more insights and opinions. My heart weeps for the state of my country and I fear for the future for my children and grandchildren. I may just have a "little blog" with not many readers but I can't be silent any longer.
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