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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Award for the Most Ridiculous Headline and a Brief Response

Okay - so the Communists at the Center for Constitutional Rights (of Terrorists) won in the Supreme Court today. I am at work and really angry about this ruling in favor of terrorists so I'll keep it brief for now...

The inmates at Gitmo will now get the benefit of being transferred to the US to be housed in US prisons while parading endlessly in the courtroom (think Moussaoui x 400)...
while garnering sympathy because they were raised by goats and only had rocks to play with...
only to end up in the US prison system for the rest of their natural life enjoying three hot meals a day and clean clothes/sheets...
ALL at the US taxpayers expense - the same US taxpayers that these piles of fecal matter would just as soon whack off our heads than look at us.
We should have let justice take its course on the battlefield and killed them... (hey I know it's harsh but right now I don't really give a rat's ass - remember what they have done to OUR soldiers)

Then we have al-Reuters with the most ridiculous headline I think that I've ever read...
"Bush: will take Guantanamo court ruling seriously"
What the crap? What do they think? Bush will defy the Supreme Court and run around locking up all Muslims... Please give me a freakin' break. I've had it with the media.

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