Some Memorial Day 2008 links...
Last Known WWI Veteran Honored for Memorial Day

KANSAS CITY, Mo — Frank Woodruff Buckles, the last known living American-born veteran of World War I, was honored Sunday at the Liberty Memorial during Memorial Day weekend celebrations.
Another Worthy Charity to Donate To... VetDogs
Jonn from This Ain't Hell was at the Rolling Thunder Parade and festivities in DC yesterday. He has a great rundown of the event and some awesome pics. Huge crowds but little media coverage... Go figure...
Here's a pic of President Bush welcoming Rolling Thunder to the White House
Finally a video of a speech given by actor John Amos during the Rolling Thunder event. How refreshing to hear a celebrity speak about unconditional support of the troops...
UPDATE: Jonn attended the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns this AM and has posted some incredible pics and video. One day I hope to travel to DC and see this in person.
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