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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Jim Webb Tells McCain To Calm Down

Jim Webb has jumped into the middle of the Wesley Clark -John McCain issue with his usual smugness and hypocrisy...

I think what we really need to work on over the next four, five months, and it goes back to the speech that Sen. Obama gave [Tuesday] and this little fight that I've been watching and that is, we need to make sure that we take politics out of service," Webb said. "People don't serve their country for political issues."

He continued: "And John McCain's my long-time friend, if that is one area that I would ask him to calm down on, it`s that, don't be standing up and uttering your political views and implying that all the people in the military support them because they don't, any more than when the Democrats have political issues during the Vietnam War. Let's get the politics out of the military, take care of our military people, or have our political arguments in other areas."

There we go with an dig at McCain's temper - except Webb is so far off the mark on this that it is pathetic. McCain has been quite calm about the whole situation. In fact he turned it back on The Obama and Wesley by saying they are taking the focus off the real issues. McCain has not implied that the military supports only him - that's a straw man argument and shows just how desperately the Dems want to downplay McCain's military service. Funny that the "calm down" comment came from a man that told everyone how much he wanted to smack President Bush after the President asked about his son.

And as far as Webb telling someone to stop using the military in politics, that's truly the pot calling the kettle black. Case in point, this piece from Newsbusters back in 2006...

Webb’s biography as a Vietnam veteran and eight-month Navy Secretary under Reagan has been his constant, everyday calling card in this race. The man with the motto "Born Fighting" on every bumper sticker and yard sign? Need we remind the Washington Post of the Webb campaign's first TV ad? It went like this:

RONALD REAGAN: One man who sat where you do now is another member of our administration, assistant secretary of defense James Webb, the most decorated member of his class. James' gallantry as a Marine officer in Vietnam won him the Navy Cross and other decorations...
ANNOUNCER: Soldier, scholar, leader. Now Jim Webb is running for Senate.

Or this from Newsbusters (same post) about the combat boots Webb wore during the campaign...

Those boots were displayed in the Washington Post and the New York Times (along with Allen's cowboy boots) the day after the Virginia contenders met on NBC’s Meet the Press. . They were prominently featured, in color, in a photo of a cross-legged Webb on the front of Wednesday’s Style section

How about this from the mouth of Wesley Clark himself in a statement released when he made a visit to announce his support of Jim Webb for the Senate.

Jim Webb is a real leader Virginians can count on. He will put the interests of the people of this great state first and will take his fight to the floor of the Senate. He won't back down from any challenge, and he will focus on the job he is elected to do.

Jim is a decorated Marine, winner of the Navy Cross, and former Secretary of the Navy. As a soldier, Jim was a legendary fighter. As a citizen, Jim has been a principled and persuasive leader. Now, as a Senate candidate, Jim is the only candidate with the experience and skills to broaden our party and win in November.

Jim opposed the Iraq War from the beginning. He understood that Iraq did not represent an imminent threat and knew that going to war in Iraq would cause us to lose our focus on the global war on terrorism.

We need Jim to fight to reshape our defense and foreign policy to better reflect the strategic priorities of the country, to rebuild national infrastructure and secure our borders, to work hard to bring true economic and social fairness to our society, and to restore the Constitutional role of the Congress as an equal partner, reining in the unbridled power of the Presidency.

We need Jim's voice of wisdom and reason in the United States Senate. But he needs our help to get there.

Granted Wesley is talking about the Senate and not the CinC but the military theme is contradictory to what he said about McCain. Could it be that the only difference is that Webb was opposed to the war in Iraq? Nah... that wouldn't have a place in the political/military discussion now would it.

I hope the Lefties continue this meme - it's doing nothing but making them look like absolute fools especially after the 2004 Band of Brothers theme with Kerry.

In other news -
Jon Soltz has joined up with to pander for more signatures on the We support Wesley Clark petition. Soltz also did a posting for the KOS kidz as did some of his VoteVets brothers.

And Rand Beers, who quit the Bush Administration after September 11 and was an advisor to John Kerry has even more despicable comments about how the POW experience limited McCain's national security experience because he missed out on the Vietnam protests.... Yeah - that's gonna help The Obama...

My buddy TSO who is blogging over at This Ain't Hell gives his viewpoint on the McCain-Clark-VoteVets issue with some great videos.

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