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Monday, August 10, 2009

The Dear Leader is a Liar

President Barack Obama is a flat out liar with no shame. He has lied repeatedly and broken so many of his campaign "promises" that it would take too long to list them here. BUT Naked Emperor News has put together an outstanding video of how The One "sold" his healthcare proposals during his campaign. Since he repeatedly says the same thing over and over during several different campaign stops, it is impossible to cry "taken out of context". Watch this and weep for our country...

Completely different than the way he and Congress are trying to ram it down our throats now...
if Congress uses the "nuclear option" to get this passed, watch for the American citizens to go "nuclear".

They are avoiding the town halls and attempting to smear opponents - one idiot even compared the townhall opponents to Timothy McVeigh. Now THAT is somebody that needs a swift kick in the arse... But they ignore and dismiss the majority of the American people at their peril. They won't be able to ignore us in 2010... If we still have the right to vote for a candidate of our chosing then...

Chickenhawk hat tip to HotAir Pundit for the video.

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